Five Finds of the Fortnight: Edition 13

Have you registered for Thrive Together yet?

Dear reader,

Last week, some of us from the Bangalore practice group began studying Miki Kashtan’s new course, Making Life Work. This includes some study/prep work (approx 30 minute time investment) between meetings, and reflection and practice during the meetings.

You are welcome to join us if this is something that interests you. We meet every other Sunday 10AM -12AM IST. The practice sessions are offered free of cost.

If you would like to join us, please write back to me by replying to this email.

On another note, I’ve been posting insights and NVC-related learning material on Instagram every day; you can follow me if you’d like to hear from me more often!

Warm regards,


1. Quote of the week

Connecting to the beauty of my needs—both in my joy and in my pain—changes my relationship to myself and the world. It also allows me to set people free and see them in their fullness rather than as objects for fulfilling my needs.

~ Mironel De Wilde

2. Image of the week

3. Mindfulness practices for children: a resource

I came across this webpage that has some resources on introducing mindfulness practices for children—including how to support children in managing strong emotions. Click here to read and watch the videos.

4. On listening

Annalisa Barbieri writes in The Guardian: “Listening, I discovered, wasn’t just about waiting for the other person to stop talking, or asking good questions, or even not interrupting. It was about really hearing what the other person was saying, and why they were saying it. Being interested, but also curious. Sometimes that means looking for what’s not said, what’s left out, which words are used to mask emotions that are hard to acknowledge. Likewise, good listening is about approaching what has been said as if you’ve never heard it before. Put simply, it’s about paying attention.”

5. Upcoming event alert

NVC Academy’s Thrive Together event, featuring 20+ sessions by trainers across the world, is happening 20-21 August. I’m offering a session during this event. If you live in the Indian subcontinent, you can use the coupon code ThriveIndia60 to get USD 60 off your registration.